Archaeology, Heritage & Culture
InterGroup’s heritage professionals provide all levels of heritage and archaeological surveys, assessments and cultural resource management services (CRM). Working closely with First Nations, Indigenous communities and resources developers, InterGroup’s team has produced Traditional Land Use Occupancy (TLUO) Studies, and archaeological education programs.

Archaeological Services
InterGroup provides the following services related to Archaeological Assessments:
- Heritage Resource Impact Assessment (HRIA)
- Developing Cultural and Heritage Protection Plans
- Geographic Information System (GIS) Capabilities
- Heritage Characterization Studies
- Stage 1 through 4 Archaeological Impact Assessments
- Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) documentation and regulatory guidelines
- Heritage and Cultural Mitigation, and On-site Monitoring
- Artifact Processing and Analysis

Related Projects

Kivalliq Hydro Fibre Link Project
Client: Kivalliq Inuit Association
Dates: 2019 – Present
Kivalliq Hydro Fibre Link Project

Client: Kivalliq Inuit Association
Dates: 2019 – Present
The Kivalliq Hydro-Fibre Link is an infrastructure project designed to deliver renewable energy and broadband internet to the Kivalliq region of Nunavut. The Kivalliq Inuit Association, though Nukik Corporation, is working to advance development of 1,200 km of high voltage transmission lines connected to the hydro-electric grid in northern Manitoba near Gillam, and 370 km of medium voltage feeder lines to link five communities and two mines in the region. The InterGroup team provides advice on the strategic development, regulatory and licensing considerations for the Project, along with planning and implementation of engagement efforts, socio-economics, and archaeology and heritage for the future impact assessment.
For more info contact: Amber Flett, Daniel Szot

Heritage Resources Monitoring Program
Client: Manitoba Hydro
Dates: 2019 – Present
Heritage Resources Monitoring Program

Client: Manitoba Hydro
Dates: 2019 – Present
Manitoba Hydro is a Crown corporation and Manitoba’s major energy utility. Manitoba Hydro’s Indigenous and Community Relations Division leads the administration and management of licensing and legal obligations related to registered documented heritage resources sites at potential risk of disturbance, due to Hydro’s hydraulic operations. InterGroup has been retained by Manitoba Hydro to assist in the development and implementation of Manitoba Hydro’s Heritage Resources Monitoring Program and to coordinate and complete heritage resource monitoring and mitigation activities along watercourses affected by Hydro’s hydraulic operations.
For more info contact: Amber Flett

The Forks Railside
Client: The Forks Renewal Corporation (FRC)
Dates: 2016 – Present
The Forks Railside

Client: The Forks Renewal Corporation (FRC)
Dates: 2016 – Present
The Forks Renewal Corporation (FRC) is planning on developing the Railside lands – comprised of two of the largest surface parking lot, east of the VIA Rail Station, at The Forks in downtown Winnipeg. InterGroup was retained by the FRC to oversee site heritage resource management coordination on Railside Development Planning. This work includes development of a site archaeological management plan, and coordination with site development resources to complete heritage resource assessments and mitigation activities.
For more info contact: Amber Flett

Moose Factory First Nation Sewage Lagoon Expansion
Client: JR Cousins Ltd.
Dates: 2021
Moose Factory First Nation Sewage Lagoon Expansion
Client: JR Cousins Ltd.
Dates: 2021
JR Cousins Ltd., on behalf of Moose Cree First Nation, retained InterGroup to conduct a Stage 2 archaeological assessment of proposed upgrades to the sewage lagoon located on the western shore of Moose Factory Island within Factory Island Indian Reserve No. 1. To complete the assessment, a pedestrian survey and subsurface testing was conducted in the project area.
For more info contact: Amber Flett, Daniel Szot

Rainy River First Nation Development Stage 1 & 2 Archaeological Assessments
Client: Neegan Burnside Ltd.
Dates: 2019
Rainy River First Nation Development Stage 1 & 2 Archaeological Assessments

Client: Neegan Burnside Ltd.
Dates: 2019
Neegan Burnside Ltd., an Indigenous-owned engineering and environmental services firm, was assisting Rainy River First Nation in northwestern Ontario with a proposed residential development in Manitou Rapids, Ontario. Neegan Burnside hired InterGroup to complete a stage 1 and stage 2 archaeological assessment. To complete the assessment, InterGroup completed a desktop study and an archaeological investigation of the project area. During the investigation, Rainy River First Nation members helped with the survey.
For more info contact: Daniel Szot

Sagkeeng First Nation Shoreline Assessment
Client: Dal Projects
Dates: 2018
Sagkeeng First Nation Shoreline Assessment

Client: Dal Projects
Dates: 2018
DAL Projects, an engineering firm specializing in working with Indigenous communities, oversaw the construction of shoreline remedial works along the Winnipeg River and the southern shoreline of Lake Winnipeg for Sagkeeng First Nation. InterGroup was retained to conduct archaeological investigations and advise the proponent on heritage assessment, protection, and mitigation of heritage resources. Members of Sagkeeng First Nation assisted with the investigations and recovery of artifacts. In January 2019, InterGroup presented the findings from the archaeological survey at a Climate Change Workshop held at Sagkeeng Anicinabe High School.
For more info contact: Amber Flett, Daniel Szot

PR204 Realignment
Client: Manitoba Infrastructure (RM St. Clements, Manitoba)
Dates: 2016 – 2017
PR204 Realignment

Client: Manitoba Infrastructure (RM St. Clements, Manitoba)
Dates: 2016 – 2017
Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure (MTI) manages the province’s infrastructure network, including developing transportation policy and legislation. InterGroup was retained as project archaeologist for the heritage assessment of proposed realignment of Provincial Highway 204 to determine presence of heritage resources and assess potential impacts during development activities.
For more info contact: Amber Flett, Roberta Connon

Birtle Transmission Project Heritage Resource Impact Assessment and Monitoring
Client: Manitoba Hydro
Dates: 2016 – 2020
Birtle Transmission Project Heritage Resource Impact Assessment and Monitoring

Client: Manitoba Hydro
Dates: 2016 – 2020
Manitoba Hydro is a Crown corporation and Manitoba’s major energy utility. Manitoba Hydro installed a 230-kV transmission line from Birtle Station, south of the community of Birtle, to the Manitoba–Saskatchewan border. InterGroup was hired to as project archaeologist for the Heritage Resource Impact Assessment (HRIA) and monitoring of the transmission line linking Manitoba to Saskatchewan. Work included implementing ground-truthing of preferred routes, training community monitors (Gamblers First Nation, Canupawakpa Dakota Nation, Swan Lake First Nation, and Treaty 2 and citizens of the Manitoba Métis Federation) on identification of cultural materials and advising proponent on heritage assessment and mitigation of heritage resources.
For more info contact: Amber Flett, Daniel Szot

Keeyask Generating Station Project
Client: Manitoba Hydro
Dates: 2014 – Present
Keeyask Generating Station Project

Client: Manitoba Hydro
Dates: 2014 – Present
Keeyask is a 695 megawatt (MW) hydroelectric generating station on the lower Nelson River. It is located 725 kilometers northeast of Winnipeg and 30 kilometers west of Gillam, in the Split Lake Resource Management Area.
The station was developed by the Keeyask Hydropower Limited Partnership (KHLP), jointly owned by Manitoba Hydro and four Manitoba First Nations: Tataskweyak Cree Nation, War Lake First Nation, York Factory First Nation, and Fox Lake Cree Nation.
InterGroup was retained as project archaeologist for the monitoring of construction activities and mitigation of 70 registered archaeological sites to ensure compliance with Provincial regulations and First Nation Partners. Work included training of project contractors on heritage resources, implementing the Heritage Resources Protection Plan (HRPP) and advising the proponent on heritage assessment and protection of heritage resources.
After mitigation and monitoring activities ended, InterGroup developed an archaeological guidebook documenting select sites for the partner First Nations and Manitoba Hydro. InterGroup is currently working with the First Nation Partners and Manitoba Hydro to develop a heritage display at the Keeyask Generating Station Powerhouse.
For more info contact: Amber Flett, Kayleigh Speirs

MICEC Curatorial Mentorship
Client: Manitoba Indigenous Cultural Education Centre
Dates: 2022 – 2024
MICEC Curatorial Mentorship

Client: Manitoba Indigenous Cultural Education Centre
Dates: 2022 – Present
The Manitoba Indigenous Cultural Education Centre (MICEC) is a provincial, not-for-profit, charitable, and educational organization that works to promote awareness and understanding of Indigenous culture for all Manitobans.
InterGroup was retained by MICEC to provide guidance and curatorial mentorship to an Indigenous youth for the curation of ten new exhibits that showcase the artwork and material culture that form the Centre’s unique heritage collections.
For more info contact: Kayleigh Speirs

Searching for Our Heritage
Client: Yukon Government
Dates: 2022 – Present
Searching for Our Heritage

Client: Yukon Government
Dates: 2022 – Present
The Searching for Our Heritage (SFOH) project identifies and documents artifacts of Yukon First Nation origin found in museum collections around the world. Locating these artifacts and items brings a lost legacy home to those eager to rediscover a cultural identity that is invaluable to their holistic well-being.
InterGroup was retained by the Yukon Government to oversee the project and along with a team of Yukon First Nation women, are seeking out items of Yukon First Nation origin from museums across the world which are then catalogued and added to the publicly accessible SFOH database.
For more info contact: Kayleigh Speirs