Social Impact Assessment & Research
Social Impact Assessment is a process of research, planning and the management of social change or consequences (positive and negative; intended and unintended) arising from projects, plans, policies, or other developments. InterGroup was among the first practitioners of socio-economic impact assessment in western Canada, and has evolved its practice to reflect emerging approaches, from the consideration of Indigenous and local knowledge to the inclusion of gender-based analysis plus (GBA+) perspectives.
InterGroup coordinates and manages social impact assessment and research, providing expert technical services, and complex multi-stakeholder public engagement associated with the processes. Services include socio-economic impact assessments for major project development, engagement with communities, and monitoring of social and economic effects to people. Our clients include the private sector, Crown corporations, Indigenous communities, municipalities, government agencies, and non-profit organizations.

Socio-Economic Impact Assessments
InterGroup provides the following services related to Socio-Economic Impact Assessments:
- Community and Indigenous Engagement
- Community Profiles and Baseline Studies
- Project Impact Assessments
- Incorporation of Indigenous Knowledge
- Geographic Information System (GIS) Capabilities
- Social, Economic, and Land Use Research

Socio-Economic Research & Monitoring
InterGroup provides the following services related to Socio-Economic Research and Monitoring:
- Quantitative and Qualitative Socio-Economic Research
- Support Monitoring Programs including data collection, analysis and reporting
- Recommendations on Best Practices for Social, Economic, and Health Assessments